Fear is a powerful derailer. But it doesn’t have to be. Perhaps one of life’s biggest challenges is learning how to embrace the fears that paralyze us, learn from them, and to go for your dream anyway.
After my leave of absence was over, I came back to my old job. I wasn’t ready to quit. The Coaching classes opened my eyes to a new possibility. One that I wanted to pursue further. But I wasn’t yet ready to tackle the unknown of being unemployed, and of closing off all of my other options. In truth, I was scared. Even though my intuition told me that I was on the right track, I couldn’t let go of the paralyzing what ifs.
It is remarkable how talented we can be at making excuses, going down different (easier!) roads, so that we don’t have to face our fears.
Still unhappy in my current job, I created a list of workable alternatives. Those mostly consisted of different jobs in my current field – I thought I could hold on to the safety of what I knew, while improving on the role I was performing.
When you are in the wrong place, or trying to climb up the wrong tree, life has a way of gently reminding you of your foolishness as the tree branches continually smack you in the face on your way up.
I was getting rejected. Perhaps what was not yet clear to me was clear to everyone else. Although painful, this exercise proved to be a valuable next step. It gave me more clarity.
As I let go of the safe alternatives, I began to explore my other options that would necessitate a bigger life adjustment. Slowly I began to narrow down my list.